
Michael Wesely - Open Shutter Project

Michael Wesely, the man who registers time in a single image.

He is a German photographer who took the long exposure technique to another level.
Using custom made large format cameras he takes photos with exposures that last months, in a project he calls Open Shutter.
In 2001 he was invitted by MOMA to record the work of remodeling and expansion of the museum that lasted three years.
The result was three amazing pictures and the photo with the longest exposure of all time.
Wesely says that there is no limit and in the future he may take pictures with up to 40 years of exposure.

Personal website link: Here

He has no portfolio on is website but here is the link to some of his works: Here


Vik Muniz

Vik Muniz is a brazilian plastic artist that creates amazing pictures and recreates well known paintings and photographs using materials like dirt, tree branches and leaves, peanut butter, chocolate, little pieces of magazines, and even garbage.

Official site


Hunter Reynolds

"It’s been said that among the hardest lessons in life, learning to let go counts chief among them. Mystics and artists alike have made much of renunciation. Whether we consider the abjurations of Francis of Assisi or Marcel Duchamp, Guatama Buddha or John Cage, letting go of control has been heralded an achievement few can master."

Official site


Light Stencil - TigTab

Tigtab is the nickname of an Australian artist, who prefers to remain anonymous. She makes photographs using a technique called light stencil creating amazing images. I could not find much relevant information about her, so here is her flickr page. Enjoy.

TigTab flickr


Fumie Sasabuchi

Fumie Sasabuchi is a japanese artist who´s work is about human body (female mainly) and some
about death. She shows what our skin hides, some grotesque female figures but always with a great notion of aesthetic and knowledge of human physiognomy.

Official site


Evan Penny´s Sculpture

"Evan Penny makes the kind of sculpture that is so realistic, so detailed, and so obviously a display of skill that it literally stops people in their tracks. But this alone isn't why the artist's work grabs the viewer."

Official site.


Brian Dettmer - Book Arts

Brian Dettmer é um artista contemporâneo americano conhecido por transformar principalmente livros e outros tipos de suporte em imagens tridimencionais.
Com um grande curriculum de exposições, o seu trabalho passou por várias galerias, festivais e feiras nos Estados Unidos, México e Europa.

Brian Dettmer is an American contemporary artist known for turning mainly books and other media types into three-dimensional images.
With a large exhibitions curriculum, his work was
exhibited in several galleries, festivals and fairs in the United States, Mexico and Europe.



Marcel Duchamp e a viragem linguística da arte contemporânea

O Director do Museu do Neo-Realismo, David Santos vai estar no Fórum Eugénio de Almeida, no dia 13 de Abril de 2011, para uma conferência sobre Marcel Duchamp e a viragem linguística da arte contemporânea.

Mais informações no site da Fundação: Aqui



Duchamp é considerado um dos pioneiros do Dadaísmo, movimento artístico que defende a ruptura com as formas de arte tradicionais, a liberdade desenfreada do indivíduo e a espontaneidade, dando lugar à antiarte.

A exposição Duchamp: A Arte de Negar a Arte, é composta por cerca de 46 obras, e pode ser vista até 12 de Junho de 2011 na Fundação Eugénio de Almeida em Évora.

Para mais informações visite o site da Fundação: Aqui

Duchamp is considered a pioneer of Dadaism, an artistic movement that defends a break with the traditional art forms, the unbridled freedom and spontaneity of the individual, giving rise to anti-art.

The exhibition Duchamp: The Art of Denying the Arts is composed of approximately 46 works, and can be seen until June 12, 2011 at the Fundação Eugenio de Almeida in Évora.

For more information visit the Foundation's website: Here


Exposição "7 Objectos e os demais"

O Colectivo Arte às Tantas inaugura este sábado 12 de Março de 2001 uma exposição de fotografia, que decorre até 18 de Março de 2011, no Bar do Centro de Arte de Ovar.
Com a participação dos elementos do colectivo Bonifácio Baptista, Bruno Manarte, Gil e Joel Tavares e dos artistas convidados, DMZ, Fernando Pinho e Laurinda Mateus.
Imagens e estórias à volta de sete objectos do nosso quotidiano.

The collective Arte às Tantas opens this Saturday, March 12, 2011, a photography exhibition which runs until March 18, 2011, at Ovar's Art Centre Bar.
With the participation of the elements of the collective Bonifácio Baptista, Bruno Manarte, Gil, Joel Tavares and guest artist DMZ, Fernando Pinho and Laurinda Mateus.
Images and stories around seven everyday objects.


Sylvia Ji

Red Quechquemitls

Possessing an artistic voice as unique as the times we live in, Sylvia Ji is at once contemplative, spiritual, enigmatic, and yet whimsically funny. Above all else, it is perhaps beauty that emerges as her defining characteristic, and her art reflects this: an extension of herself; a passionate appreciation of simple aesthetic pleasure fused with intimately complex subject matter.

Source: Sylvia Ji