Civilization by Marco Brambilla
Civilization by Marco Brambilla from CRUSH on Vimeo.
"Civilization depicts a journey from hell to heaven interpreted through modern film language using computer-enhanced found footage. This epic video mural contains over 300 individual channels of looped video blended into a multi-layered seamless tableau of interconnecting images that illustrate a contemporary, satirical take on the concepts of Heaven and Hell."
Civilization was created for the elevators Standard Hotel in NYC. "(...) it takes elevator passengers on a trip from hell to heaven as they go up or from heaven to hell as they go down." http://www.vimeo.com/5082155
The Fallen Princesses

"These works place Fairy Tale characters in modern day scenarios. In all of the images the Princess is placed in an environment that articulates her conflict. The '...happily ever after' is replaced with a realistic outcome and addresses current issues."
The Project: Fallen Princesses
Spiritus from Susana Andrez
Spiritus from Susana Andrez on Vimeo.
After a fire in a bar, gostly presences seize the abandoned and destroyed place, observing the curious intruders' steps.
The intent was to creat a similar trailer/teaser structure.
It was filmed in 3 hours, during an Arte Às Tantas Collective photographic ride.
- Filmed with Sony HDR SR 11 Handycam (SD, Mpeg4, 16:9)
- Edition: 5 hours (aprox)
- Pos-production video: 4 hours (aprox)
- Pos-production audio: 5 hours(aprox)
Spiritus will be shown as a video installation in "Time out, Burned out" exibition (August 1, in Paralelo 38, Furadouro-Ovar, Portugal).
"Chicken Ala Carte" from Ferdinand Dimadura

Chicken Ala Carte from Ferdinand Dimadura (...) "topped the Competition by being adjudged the Most Popular Short Film."
The art of making videos have an incredible power to show what's happening, to alert people. Everyday, more film documentaries seem to show the social-cultural conditions of a world's economy declivity. Some believe that a documentary must fulfill social-cultural prerequisites, almost as an obligation of this video format.
See Chicken Ala Carte on Online Film Festival
See Chicken Ala Carte on youtube
Colette Calascione

Two Birds Sold for a Kiss, Colette Calascione, Oil on Wood, 1995 , 8" x 10"
"The women of NY-based painter Colette Calascione's world are the most luscious and enigmatic lot you’re likely to encounter in modern classical painting. Inspired by Victorian portraiture and Surrealism, Calascione is gifted with an Old Master’s hand for technique, a fevered imagination, a wicked sense of humor and a reverence for the feminine form rivaling that of Vargas himself. The resulting work is whimsical, provocative and elegant in turns. Demure masked nudes entice viewers with smoldering eye contact and slight, come-hither smiles. Grand dames of the parlour consort with beastly Ernstian suitors. The rosy aura of myth and allegory that surrounds these ladies is a fetching as their silken lingerie… maybe more so.
Scrupulous attention is paid to everything, and the color and contrast she imbues in each form — powdery decolletage, folds of drapery, the riotously rococo backgrounds — is exceptional.
Truly, Calascione knows that Goddess is in the details."
- via Coilhouse
Exposição do Colectivo Arte às Tantas "Sonhei que era o par de collants de Ursula Andress" (Woody Allen) no PlanoB


Dia 4, 5 e 6 de Junho no ACE-Teatro do Bolhão, Praça Coronel Pacheco nº1, 4050-453 Porto.
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